- and-there-is-no-place-of-protection-and-safety-except-with-You-O-Allah
- and-never-will-you-find-in-other-than-Him-a-refuge
- And-if-an-evil-suggestion-comes-to-you-from-Satan
- and Satan cannot appear in My shape
- All-Praise-to-Allah-Who-is-Enough-for-me-and-He-Protect-me
- Allah-loves-the-servant-who-is-God-conscious-and-is-free-from-want-and-is-hidden
- Allah-I-seek-refuge-in-You-from-the-accursed-Satan
- Allah will give shade to seven types of people
- Allah forgive him have mercy upon him
- Allah cursed him who changed the boundary lines of the land possessed by him
- afterwards but seeking refuge from the torment of the grave in prayer